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Pixel visible depuis la Lune
Crise de priapisme là...

Pixel monstrueux
Punaise, des années qu'il est attendu par la communauté, celui-ci. Merci pour l'info, Erhynn.
Décidément, c'est la saison des annonces fracassantes.

Erhynn Megid
Pixel planétaire
Un topic pour lister chaque jeu remasterisés.
Un topic pour parler des jeux remasterisés
Un topic pour jouer aux jeux remasterisés.

Et dans la console, les installer.

Voilà. Et pour commencer ce grand festival du remake HD remasterisé, après Resident Evil Rebirth, Resident Evil 4 HD, Resident Evil Rebirth HD (le remaster du remake, suivez un peu, innocents !) et enfin Resident Evil 0 HD (le remaster du remake de l'original GameCube adapté de la version N64 jamais sortie) voici venir Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Videogamer en parle :

Citation :
Classic survival horror Resident Evil 2 is officially being remade, Capcom has announced.

While details on the project won't be revealed for some time, understands that the title will be a complete remake of the original game built for modern platforms.

The remake is being produced by Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, the producer behind this year's Resident Evil HD Remake.

"We're pleased to confirm that Resident Evil 2 has been approved for development," a Capcom representative said in a statement provided to today.

"As the title is only just starting its development cycle we unfortunately don't have any additional information or assets to share at this time. However, for now we want our fans to know that we appreciate all the feedback and support we've received on this title. We're looking forward to delivering this highly anticipated Resident Evil experience that fans have been waiting for."

Formats for the game have yet to be announced, but fans should probably expect it to hit PS4, Xbox One and PC. A release date has not been confirmed.

"It's been great to see so many positive comments from fans that have pushed the project to get approved," added Hirabayashi. "The team here at Capcom Japan really appreciates fans' passion and support and will do our best to bring fans what they really want."

Merci NeoGAF pour l'info.

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