Je suis allé sur
le site de Rare, et je suis tombé sur une chronologie des jeux qui peut faire office de récapitulatif sur ce topic. Ca démarre vers la fin jusqu'à leurs derniers jeux, puis ça remonte jusqu'au tout début à l'époque Ultimate:
Jetpac Refuelled (XBLA) - MGS
Diddy Kong Racing DS (DS) - Nintendo
Viva Piñata (Xbox 360) - MGS
Banjo Pilot (GBA) - THQ
Conker: Live & Reloaded (Xbox) - MGS
Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA) - Nintendo
Kameo: Elements of Power (Xbox 360) - MGS
Perfect Dark Zero (Xbox 360) - MGS
Sabre Wulf (GBA) - THQ
Donkey Kong Country 2 (GBA) - Nintendo
It's Mr. Pants (GBA) - THQ
Donkey Kong Country (GBA) - Nintendo
Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge (GBA) - THQ
Grabbed by the Ghoulies (Xbox) - MGS
Star Fox Adventures (GameCube) - Nintendo
Mickey’s Speedway USA (GBC) - Nintendo
Conker’s Bad Fur Day (N64) - RARE
Perfect Dark (N64, GBC) - Rare
Donkey Kong Country (GBC) - Nintendo
Mickey’s Speedway USA (N64) - Nintendo
Banjo-Tooie (N64) - Nintendo
Conker's Pocket Tales (GBC) - Rare
Jet Force Gemini (N64) - Rare
Donkey Kong 64 (N64) - Nintendo
Mickey’s Racing Adventure (GBC) - Nintendo
Banjo-Kazooie (N64) - Nintendo
Blast Corps (N64) - Nintendo
GoldenEye (N64) - Nintendo
Diddy Kong Racing (N64) - Rare
Donkey Kong Land III (Game Boy) - Nintendo
Killer Instinct 2 (Arcade) - Williams
Ken Griffey Jr’s Winning Run (SNES) - Nintendo
Donkey Kong Land 2 (Game Boy) - Nintendo
Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) - Nintendo
Killer Instinct Gold (N64) - Nintendo
Donkey Kong Land (Game Boy) - Nintendo
Killer Instinct (SNES, Game Boy) - Nintendo
Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES) - Nintendo
Monster Max (Game Boy) - Titus
Battletoads (Arcade) - Electronic Arts
Donkey Kong Country (SNES) - Nintendo
Killer Instinct (Arcade) - Williams
Battletoads (Mega Drive, Game Gear) - Tradewest
Double Dragon (NES, SNES, MD, GB) - Tradewest
Battletoads in Ragnarok’s World (Game Boy) - Tradewest
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (SNES) - Tradewest
X The Ball (Arcade) - Capcom/Brent Walker/Tecmo
Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll (Mega Drive) - Sega/Tradewest
Wizards &
Warriors III (NES) - Acclaim
Beetlejuice (Game Boy) - LJN
Indy Heat (NES) - Tradewest
R.C. Pro-Am II (NES) - Tradewest
Championship Pro-Am (Mega Drive) - Tradewest
Digger T. Rock (NES) - Milton Bradley
WWF Superstars (Game Boy) - LJN
Battletoads (NES, Game Boy) - Tradewest
Beetlejuice (NES) - LJN
R.C. Pro-Am (Game Boy) - Nintendo
High Speed (NES) - Tradewest
Sneaky Snakes (Game Boy) - Tradewest
Sesame Street ABC & 123 (NES) - Hi Tech
Pirates! (NES) - Ultra Games
Double Dare (NES) - Gametek
Wheel of Fortune Family Edition (NES) - Gametek
Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition (NES) - Gametek
The Amazing Spider-Man (Game Boy) - LJN
Captain Skyhawk (NES) - Milton Bradley
Pin Bot (NES) - Nintendo
Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll (NES) - Nintendo
Super Off Road (NES) - Tradewest
Wizards &
Warriors X:
Fortress of Fear (Game Boy) - Acclaim
NARC (NES) - Acclaim
A Nightmare on Elm Street (NES) - LJN
Super Glove Ball (NES) - Mattel
Cabal (NES) - Milton Bradley
Time Lord (NES) - Milton Bradley
Arch Rivals (NES) - Acclaim
WWF Wrestlemania Challenge (NES) - LJN
Solar Jetman (NES) - Tradewest
Marble Madness (NES) - Milton Bradley
World Games (NES) - Milton Bradley
WWF Wrestlemania (NES) - Acclaim
Sesame Street 123 (NES) - Hi Tech
John Elway’s Quarterback (NES) - Tradewest
California Games (NES) - Milton Bradley
Taboo (NES) - Tradewest
Wizards &
Warriors (NES) - Acclaim
Sesame Street ABC (NES) - Hi Tech
Hollywood Squares (NES) - Gametek
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (NES) - LJN
Jordan Vs. Bird: One on One (NES) - Milton Bradley
Cobra Triangle (NES) - Nintendo
Ironsword: Wizards &
Warriors II (NES) - Acclaim
Wheel of Fortune Junior Edition (NES) - Gametek
Jeopardy! Junior Edition (NES) - Gametek
Silent Service (NES) - Ultra Games
The Collected Works (Spectrum) - Ultimate
R.C. Pro-Am (NES) - Nintendo
Wheel of Fortune (NES) - Gametek
Jeopardy! (NES) - Gametek
Anticipation (NES) - Nintendo
Martianoids (Spectrum) - Ultimate
Bubbler (Spectrum, Amstrad) - Ultimate
Slalom (NES) - Nintendo
Outlaws (C64) - Ultimate
Cosmic Battlezones (BBC) - Ultimate
Cyberun (Spectrum, Amstrad, MSX) - Ultimate
Dragonskulle (C64) - Ultimate
Gunfright (Spectrum, Amstrad, MSX) - Ultimate
Imhotep (C64) - Ultimate
Blackwyche (C64) - Ultimate
Nightshade (Spectrum, C64, Amstrad, BBC, MSX) - Ultimate
Pentagram (Spectrum, MSX) - Ultimate
Alien 8 (Spectrum, Amstrad, BBC, MSX) - Ultimate
Entombed (C64) - Ultimate
Cookie (Spectrum) - Ultimate
Knight Lore (Spectrum, Amstrad, BBC, MSX) - Ultimate
Lunar Jetman (Spectrum, BBC) - Ultimate
Sabre Wulf (Spectrum, C64, Amstrad, BBC) - Ultimate
The Staff of Karnath (C64) - Ultimate
Uunderwurlde (Spectrum, C64) - Ultimate
Jetpac (Spectrum, BBC, Vic 20) - Ultimate
Atic Atac (Spectrum, BBC) - Ultimate
Pssst (Spectrum) - Ultimate
Tranz Am (Spectrum) - Ultimate
Voilà! Ca permet également de débroussailler un peu en attendant la suite du dossier qui va encore demander un boulot gargantuesque.